Become A Better Surfer

Enhance Your Surfing Potential

The Hyundai Surfing Australia High Performance Centre is an Olympic Training Centre supporting Australian athletes to become the world’s best surfers and people. In addition to helping athletes realise their potential, we offer world-leading training programs that focus on developing the fundamental needs of surfers to enhance your surfing potential, keep you injury free and in the water longer.

    We have every tool at our disposal to help you reach your training and surfing potential

    Refined and delivered by some of Australia’s best performance support coaches


    Strength & Conditioning

    For the Competitive Surfer (U18)

    Focus Areas

    Two sessions per week directed towards competitive surfers aiming to enhance their performance with structured programs designed to target specific aspects crucial for surfing. These classes will focus on developing fundamental movement patterns necessary for gym progression whilst also incorporating surf specific drills.

    Must be a competitive surfer, board-rider levels and above.


    Tuesday & Thursday at 5:00pm

    Strength & Conditioning

    For the Recreational Surfer

    Focus Areas

    Two Sessions per week designed for those looking to improve their surfing performance and longevity as well as their overall fitness. Sessions will include a dynamic surf-specific warm-up that can be used pre-gym or pre-surf, followed by a series of strength exercises chosen to assist your performance in the water.

    All levels and abilities are welcome in this class. Some surf experience is recommended.

    • AM Classes Tuesday & Thursday – 6:00am
    • PM Classes Tuesday & Thursday – 6:00pm
    • AM Class Saturday – 7:00am

    Surf Specific Mat Pilates

    Focus Areas

    A 60-minute balanced and dynamic workout that combines controlled, flowing movements with moments of challenge and intensity. In this class, we focus on improving strength, flexibility, coordination, and body awareness. Classes may include small resistance equipment.

    All levels and abilities are welcome in this class, with modifications available for pregnant individuals and those with non-acute injuries. No surf experience required.

    • Tuesday & Thursday at 5:00pm
    • Tuesday & Thursday at 6:00pm


    Focus Areas

    This class is a relaxing and rejuvenating session focused on improving flexibility, relieving muscle tension, and the prevention of injuries. The class typically involves a series of gentle stretches and movements that help lengthen tight or shortened muscles, improve posture and joint mobility, particularly the hips, shoulders and thoracic spine. Ultimately, this class will improve your body’s ability to function with less tension and restriction.

    All levels and abilities are welcome in this class. No surf experience required.

    • Tuesday & Thursday Mornings at 7:00am
    • Saturday 8AM


    (Coming Soon)


    (Coming Soon)


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    Head to your Surfing Portal to purchase or renew memberships

    Events & Courses

    Head to your Surfing Portal to enter events and courses.