Australian Longboard and Logger Champions to be Crowned in Port Macquarie

Published on 20/07/2023

Some of the nation’s best surfers are preparing to descend on Port Macquarie for the Australian Surf Championships.

Kicking off the 17-day event, the Australian Longboard and Logger Titles get underway on the 5th of August with the Shortboard, Para Surfing and Bodyboard Titles to follow.

The Longboard and Logger Titles include divisions for Under 18’s through to Opens and Masters surfers who have either qualified or been invited to compete in the event.

Jasmin Howarth will be looking to defend her 2022 Under 18 Women Logger title and this year will be contesting the Open Women Longboard and Under 18 Women Longboard and Logger divisions.

“All of the divisions are very competitive, even though we are all friends, especially in the Under 18’s divisions as we’ve competed against each other for what seems like forever, which makes it more competitive but in the best way. We push each other to be better,” she said.

“The Australian Surf Championships is good as it brings all of my friends together that I don’t see very often and getting to surf against and with them is something pretty special.”

What’s the difference between the Longboard and Logger Titles?

Logger divisions are a homage to traditional surfing from the ’60s and ’70s where more traditional manoeuvres performed with a continual motion, style and grace with emphasis on creativity are scored highly. Boards used in the Logger divisions have specific requirements including a single fin and traditional board measurements around shape and design.

Longboard divisions have a greater judging emphasis on performance, expression and using the full length of the surfboard with traditional elements.

Australian Longboard Titles – divisions:
Under 18 Junior Men
Under 18 Junior Women
Open Men
Open Women
Grand Masters Women O40
Grand Masters Men O40
Kahunas Men O45
Grand Kahunas Men O50
Women O50
Dukes Men O55
Grand Dukes O60
O60 Women
Legends Men O65
Grand Legends Men O70
O70 Women

Australian Logger Titles – divisions:
Open Men Logger
Open Women Logger
Grand masters Men O40
Grand masters Women O40
Under 18 Junior Men
Under 18 Junior Women

Australian Surf Championships – Port Macquarie, NSW (Aug 4 – 21)

  • Opening Ceremony: August 4
  • Australian Longboard Titles: August 5 – 12
  • Australian Para Surfing Titles: August 13
  • Australian Bodyboard Titles: August 14 – 16
  • Australian Shortboard Titles: August 17 – 21

More details on website HERE.

Entry to the Australian Titles is by state qualification or invitation.

The Australian Surf Championships are proudly supported by the NSW Government through its tourism and major events agency, Destination NSW as well as Port Macquarie Hastings Council, Le Tan, Stroud Homes, Bonny Hills Beach Hotel, Jim Beam, Stoddart Group, One Agency North Haven and Surfing NSW.

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