Round one wave submissions in the YETI Australian Junior Online Surf Championships will be open from tomorrow – Monday 26th October at 10 am until midnight Sunday, November 8th. All competitors, please take note: The Round 1 STICKER COLOUR IS PINKAll competitors, please take note: Stickers must be placed as per the rules below to be eligible to compete.All competitors, please take note: Please familiarise yourself with the Critical Event Information, found HERE

The YETI Australian Junior Online Surf Championships is proudly supported by YETI, Woolworths, Hydralyte Sports, Hyundai, Pic’s Peanut Butter, Nixon, 2XP, MySURFtv, Surfing New South Wales, Surfing Queensland, Surfing Victoria, Surfing Western Australia, Surfing South Australia and Surfing Tasmania.NOTE: All Surfing Australia events and event dates are subject to change. Surfing Australia strictly adheres to any Federal Government directive regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic.

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