COVID-19 Update as of April 29TH, 1 PM (AEST)

Published on 15/04/2021

COVID-19 Update 
As you are all aware the COVID-19 information not only from a State and National perspective but also on a global scale is evolving constantly.  The health and safety of our Surfing Australia team and your environment is paramount; therefore we will endeavour to keep abreast of updated information and act accordingly in compliance with State and Federal Government advice as it happens.  

High Performance Centre

HPC coaching activities are allowed, including training sessions and contact activities.

A maximum of 25 people per session applies to gym and recreation classes such as yoga, tai chi and pilates.

Surfing Australia High Performance Centre has a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place. However, if you have visited any of these COVID hotspots within the last 14 days, you will not be permitted in the centre.

NSW Hotspots

Surf School & Boardrider Club Events

Community sporting activities are allowed, including training sessions and contact activities.

For community sporting activities that involve more than 100 participants, the organiser must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan for community sporting competitions and full training activities.

Participants include players, people who are training, officials and spectators.

More than one parent may attend community sporting activities if physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres can be maintained between people that are not from the same household.

The maximum number of participants at a community sporting activity must not exceed 3,000 participants, or one person per 2 square metres (whichever is less).

Record keeping for attendees must take place for all community sporting activities of more than 100 people where this is practical.

Learn more about minimising the risk of COVID-19 transmission when participating in community sports as a player or spectator.

Sport Australia has launched a suite of practical resources that focus on giving community sporting clubs and associations a roadmap for the safest return to sport, the Return to Sport Toolkit comes with comprehensive checklists, adaptable COVID-19 safety plans and templates that can be used by sporting organisations at any level. It is in step with the AIS Framework for Rebooting of Sport in a COVID-19 Environment and the Australian Government’s National principles for the resumption of sport and recreation activities

Please download The Return to Sport Toolkit

Recommended hygiene protocols 

The protocols outlined below are essential to limit your exposure and prevent the spread of germs, in particular as they relate to COVID‐19: 

Surfing hygiene 

  • COVID-19 or not, do not share rashies, drinks, towels, wax, sunscreen with others.  Boardrider Clubs & Surf Schools – we recommend clubs advise their participants to use coloured T-shirts in place of rashies.  Wetsuits should be cleaned as per the manufacturer’s guidelines after each lesson to reduce the risk of contamination.  Gloves recommended when handing out wetsuits.  Hang wetsuits outdoors.
  •  Place hand sanitisers around change rooms and encourage the use of them.
  •  Ensure all member facilities are maintained and cleaned to a high standard with appropriate cleaning agents – consider more regular cleaning of facilities.
  •  Limit physical contact pre-post event such as avoiding shaking hands, pre or post-event celebrations and BBQs. Boardrider clubs regularly feed their members on the day – we recommend ceasing community eating.
  • It is recommended that Boardrider Clubs send a notification to all participants in advance of events reminding them of hygiene protocol and Boardrider Club event organisers reiterate hygiene guidelines and expectations at the start of the event. 

HPC Employee Wellbeing 

We have implemented extra measures within the HPC to protect our team and visitors, all traffic entering the HPC will be encouraged to wash hands and extra sanitiser units are available for use around the centre. 

  • QR Code signin procedure
  • Social distancing measures of 1.5m 
  • Stop shaking hands to greet others
  • Hold meetings via video conferencing or phone call
  • Promote good hygiene, provide alcohol based hand rub for all staff and workers
  • All non-essential travel cancelled 
  • If anyone is feeling unwell or have any legitimate concerns about being at work at the HPC at this time, we recommend they seek medical advice, advise their manager of their absence.
  • Providing advice based on Australian Department of Health & State Health organisations to our Board Rider Clubs, Surf Schools & event operators

Future advice  

Surfing Australia and State Surfing Associations are keeping abreast as information unfolds from Health authorities and will regularly monitor any changes in the situation and will consider implementing any further measures.
We thank you for your patience at this time  and will continue to take the advice of the Government and will make preparations based on that advice.  We will continue to review our position and will update the Surfing community via regular updates on our website. 

  Links to Government health and WHO below:

We encourage everyone to stay strong, look after yourselves as we work through whatever challenge is ahead.


Chris Mater


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